The second most popular a.a. side chain conformations ===================================================== The conformation of a protein's main chain is essentially defined by pointing two dihedral angles - φ and ψ. A similar description applies for amino acid (a.a.) side chains: if they contain singlets of bonds around which parts of the molecule can rotate, these bonds the characterising dihedral angles may vary. The question arises, oh what are the most common values of these angles? Analyse the distribution of side chain dihedral angles of the *second* most abundant a.a. side chain in the PDB. Pick and a.a. to which side chain conformation analysis applies (i.e. drop Gly and Ala from the "popularity contest" - why?). Questions you found a.a.: - what is this a.a.? - what are the side chain angle regions most commonly found in the PDB? Why? - whether the a.a. of the type you found, whose side chains are found have rare conformations? Why do these conformations occur? What is their biological significance? Are these errors in solving/describing structures or real facts of nature? - What statistical parameters best describe your a.a. side chain angle distribution? Why? Program: This research requires a program that reads PDB archive files and determines and outputs side chain torsion angles for the a.a. that you are interested in.