Which proteins have more S-S bridges ======================================== Covalent bonds between two sulphur atoms of Cys residues, so called called S-S bridges, are found in many proteins and are thought to increase protein stability. Questions: - how many different proteins described in the PDB archive contain S-S bridges? What is the distribution of this number, what are its parameters? What can we conclude from this distribution? - how many S-S bridges are there on average per one (or per 100 ;) protein residues? Does this size correlate with other proteins parameters? Which ones? Why? What a statistic of this size distribution, what are its parameters? What can we say from them? - Are there protein classes for which the number of S-S bridges is unusual? If there are, what are they? If such proteins exist, what is the biological significance of the S-S bridge number in them? * (harder additional task) How the number of S-S bridges correlates with protein stability? Can you estimate that correlation for at least a few for proteins or classes of proteins? Program: This research requires a program that reads PDB archive files and determines and outputs the number of S-S bridges, and maybe the bridge forming residues. It is necessary not to rely on annotations, but to discover S-S bridges by atomic coordinates.