Peptide tau angles ================== The configuration of peptides in proteins can be described to a first approximation by angles φ, ψ and ω, where the angles φ and ψ can have values from continuous range, the angle ω is either 0 or 180 degrees (for cis- and trans- peptides, respectively) and all other backbone angles are fixed, as are the bond lengths. But this is only the first approximation – in real life all bond parameters are variable. One of the angles whose variation can be interesting is the τ angle, which formed by chemical bonds between N-Cα and Cα-C atoms. Questions: - explore how this angle varies in different structures. What kind typical value of this angle? Why? What are the values of this angle distribution? Is it symmetrical? What is its mean value? What is the physical meaning of the calculated "typical" value? What statistical parameter (mode, median, sample mean, variance, standard deviation, ...) best represents the important properties of the τ angle distribution? - in which structures, or in which amino acids (a.r.), τ angle significantly different from "typical" values? Why? Are these differences structure resolution errors, do they make biological sense? Program: This research requires a program that reads PDB archive files and determines and outputs the values of the τ angle for all residues. Don't forget that it will be necessary to trace for which protein and which of its residues each τ value is computed.